Use the Cashflow Course as a guide to purchase your house hack or small multi-family.

Four phases that include preparation, purchase, property management and growing your portfolio.

Your results from the Cashflow Course >>

You will be prepared to invest and build wealth!

Build confidence and a wealth mindset! In order to build wealth you need to start with a strong foundation. Work to eliminate self doubt and refine your belief in yourself.

You will be ready to purchase your property!

Determine if you will purchase a house hack or small multi-family and find a property suitable for your goals. Understand how to ensure there is cashflow and get through your closing.

You will understand how to manage your investment!

Keep expenses down and let the cash flow roll in! You will learn how to put systems in place so your management process flows seamlessly.

You will develop a plan to scale your portfolio!

Grow from one property to a multi-unit portfolio! Determine how to continue to scale your portfolio and maintain stable assets.

What else is included?

Templates for underwriting deals and determining cashflow, sample leases, notices and other essential real estate documents.

Why I created this course?

To help bridge the wealth and investing gap. >>

61.2% of homeowners are women. 66% of realtors are women. But only 32% of real estate investors are women.

(According to the National Association of Realtors and Zippia.)

Here’s How I acquired $2M+ in cash flowing assets >>